For Today. . .

Friday, April 30, 2010


It was John Keats who wrote, "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." 

Take a look at this button. Many years ago, someone created this marvelous piece of art from a lowly seashell, some dye, and some bits of steel. And I am enjoying it tonight. Amazing!

As I look at this beautiful button, it is a tiny thing and not all that significant in the grand scheme of things. Yet, it causes me to marvel once again at our Creator, who designed and executed such a varied and beautiful universe.

It caused me tonight to stop and meditate on the fact that we have been given the capacity to recognize beauty. Indeed, we appreciate the colors, shapes, and sounds all around us. We are awestruck by the crashing waves on the sea, the uniqe detail of every, single snowflake, the aroma of a rose, the taste of chocolate, and the vastness of the milky way.

And beyond our ability to enjoy the beauty around us, we also have the desire within ourselves to be creative! We imagine, we design, we plan, we build, we work, we decorate, we arrange. We certainly are creative beings!

Maybe you wonder why all of that is important to me. It is because I truly believe our creativity is one of the evidences that we human beings really were made in the image of God, just as the Bible says.

Ah! This gorgeous button reminded me of the wonder of it all.

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