For Today. . .

Friday, May 7, 2010

Searching for Treasure in Arizona

Today a friend bought this lovely silver and turquoise button and it reminded me of my Aunt's particular attraction to things Southwestern. In New Mexico and Arizona, she searched for treasures in Native American Art, which she especially loved. For example, on a shelf in my livingroom I have a beautiful paperweight filled with sand from the painted desert. My aunt and uncle bought two of them on a trip to the Southwest. My cousin has one, and I have the other. But there was more! In fact, anyone who knew my aunt  was probably familiar with at least some of the silver and turquoise pieces she and my uncle enjoyed:  lovely belt buckles, rings, bracelets, and (of course) buttons. In her last days before the cancer took its final toll, she was still wearing one of those beautiful rings.

A few years ago she told me about a special turquoise and silver button that she acquired on a trip to Arizona. The button was a uniqe piece made especially for her by an artisan there. She was particularly enamored of his work and frequented his shop several times, observing his work. On those visits, she spoke to him rather extensively. As was her habit, she asked him if he had ever made a button and he told her that he hadn't. She asked him if he would, and so he did. It was, as I said, one of a kind. She purchased several examples of his work, but it is my understanding that he made a gift of that special button to her. When he presented it to her, he said, "Someday, somebody will offer you hundreds for this piece." She thought he was joshing her.

The day came, at a National that she attended, that someone saw the button pinned to her jacket and asked her where she got it. She told the story and that it was a one-of-a-kind button. The person offered her money in increasing increments and when the bid hit $500, she refused it saying it was not for sale at any price. Why? It was a unique work of art made exclusively for her. I have no clue as to what it looks like. I have never seen it, but am convinced that if we find it, we will KNOW. And I believe that once again it will not be available "at any price"! It is my sense that this is a significant piece of art and that it will continue to to hold a treasured place in the hearts of her children.

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